Hiking gear is essential if you want to have an amazing, comfortable, and fun-filled hiking experience. Having the right and proper hiking attire means being aware of the trail you will be on during your hike, the temperature and climate of your hiking area, and how long your hike is going to last. When choosing hiking attire, it is important to put a number of things into consideration, regardless of whether you are male or female.
The material making the hiking clothes is a crucial determinant of how comfortable your hiking experience is going to be. The best hiking attire is made of synthetic materials as the material keeps you dry through hiking. Material for hiking attire should be light in weight, soft, and moisture-wicking to allow your body to breathe and release heat, keeping you cool during your hike.
Hiking Attire During Summer
It is usually warm during the summer, and for hikers, choosing the best attire for this weather condition can be stressful. The vital thing to remember is that comfort should come first, so wear clothes that allow proper ventilation and stay away from dense base layers.
Hiking Tops
Hiking tops don’t have to be specifically meant for hiking, you can use your gym work out tops for hiking during summer, and they will serve their purpose effectively. As long as the top fits well and the material making it is moisture-wicking and dries quickly, the top is perfect for summer hiking. The KUHL Aspira Tank and the Under Armour Women’s Tech Victory Tank is most recommended for summer hiking for women. The KUHL Bravado shirt is also incredibly comfortable for men. If you want long-sleeved tops to protect your skin from the sun, the Columbia Silver Ridge Long Sleeve UPF Shirt is most recommended.
Hiking Pants
Hiking pants are good, especially if you want to avoid ticks when you are outdoors. There are hiking pants that are very breathable and allow ease in movement. Hiking pants such as the prAna Monarch Convertible pants are useful because they can be converted into shorts by removing the bottom. The KUHL Splash Roll-up pants are also recommended because they are lightweight, making them good for summer hiking. These pants roll up to allow the flow of air, making them perfect for summer hikes.
Hiking Shorts
If you are hiking in a place which is tick-free, hiking shorts are recommended as they give comfort and are also very breathable. The North Face Women’s Boulder stretch shorts are perfect shorts for hiking during summer, and they ensure comfortability making your hiking adventurous and fun-filled. For men, the prAna Stretch Zion Shorts help keep the body cool, and they are a perfect fit as they are made of stretchy material. The KUHL shorts are also recommended as they are lightweight and also quite comfortable.
Hiking Shoes
Depending on the trail you are taking, hiking shoes are very different. Hiking boots are recommended for rocky and unmaintained trails as they have more ankle support. The Asolo Attiva GTX is recommended for women as they are also quite breathable. The Salamon Men’s Speed-cross Trail running shoes and the X Ultra 3 Mid Gore-Tex hiking boots offer more support to the feet and ankles, making them perfect for long hikes. If you have a tight budget, check out our recommendation on cheap hiking shoes.
Hiking Attire During Winter
The most appropriate attire for hiking during winter is layered clothing. This clothing is guaranteed to keep you warm when resting and prevents overheating when you are exercising, as it makes it easy for your body’s insulation to adjust accordingly. The purpose of the base layer is to wick sweat away from your skin. Armadillo Merino Artemis is a good recommendation for the base layer for women and Icebreaker Oasis Base Layer for men.
The mid-layer is designed to shield you from the cold by insulating your body and keeping out the wind and moisture. Patagonia R1 is a male mid-layer attire, and the Columbia Cabanon Creek Zip Hoodie is perfect for women.
An insulated jacket is also a good attire for hiking during winter as it is compressible and lightweight. During winter, waterproof pants are recommended for hikes as they keep the hiker safe from winds and water, and they are also breathable. The hiking pants and leggings recommended for winter hiking for men are Helikon-Tex Outdoor Tactical pants and Columbia Titan Peak Trekking Legging for women. Gloves recommended for winter hiking should also be waterproof and moisture-wicking.
During winter, the hiking attire for men and women is not very different, but the best attire for both is that which is big and cozy to provide extra warmth. Both men and women need hiking socks and boots. The socks should be warm, moisture-wicking, and odor-resistant, and the boots need to be waterproof, breathable, and insulating. For women, Meindi Bhutan Lady MFS is recommended, and for men, Scarpa Gore-tex Delta boots are suitable for winter hiking.
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